In today’s time, the play has become a
forgotten fad of sorts. Children, no matter what their ages, are more inclined
to be glued to iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations to an extent that you tend to forget
what ever happened to the good old days. We would see children hanging out at
playgrounds with their friends (some even quite literally on monkey bars) and
having a fun time playing out in the open. Now, though, you see herds of
children, exchanging video games and going over to each other’s houses to play
for hours on end.
I have nothing against video games and feel
they do bring an element of learning and cognitive development in children, but
I am against the constant use and
playing with them. Physical play shouldn’t be ignored. I remember the times when my
friends and I would be on outdoor
playground equipment all day and it was fun – more fun than what I imagine
children today have. And I think that’s exactly what we need again.
These days, finding suitable playgrounds is
tough and one that appeals to your children even harder. As a result, we
decided on getting together with the locals in our community and raising enough
money to buy commercial playground equipment for our local playground. Once barren, it is now sprouting with
children on a daily basis, and with the summer vacations in full swing, we’re
seeing other children from different blocks coming too.
Playground Equipment, and one that’s
actually fun and of decent quality, goes a long way in providing hours of fun
for children. No matter what their ages, every generation seems to have a great
time with the ones we have installed. We even see some adults have a go at
the swings too from time to time and it’s just a brilliant experience altogether.
So is your local park/playground boring and
not attractive to kids? Or are your kids constantly in front of television and
tablet PC screens? Then you need to encourage them to get out more. And while
you encourage, make sure they have the right resources to actually enjoy
themselves while outside. And if your playground lacks the resources and
equipment and you’re looking to renovate existing playground equipment or buy
new ones for your locality or house, visit the Creative Systems’ website and browse
through their extensive catalogue.
Till the next time, happy