Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Enjoy fall with Your Children

Summer is officially over and with Halloween behind us, we can finally look at ways in which play can be fun not just for children, but for the entire family. But there’s a problem. With winter looming around the corner, temperatures have inevitably fallen, so outdoor play is limited to mornings or warmer afternoons only. And with shortened days, that can be a problem as you juggle between work and your family. So how does one exactly manage a situation as this?
It’s simple if you give it a little thought, if we’re honest. Bring the play indoors! No matter what the season, play for children shouldn’t pause a bit, and they should be encouraged to have fun with the entire family. You can make sure that they do by getting hold of some church playground equipment for your home and keep your young ones busy as you go through the day.
If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, a trip to the beach or the woods should make for a decent family picnic. The weather isn’t too harsh yet to stop you from coastline breeze nor does it get foggy enough to cause visibility issues in the woods. This can especially help on the weekends and instead of being bogged down at home, why not go out and enjoy as a family?
Amusement parks are another place where you can visit as a family and have a fun time. Amusements parks in the autumn months are especially a treat you can expect a lot of carnivals and theme parks randomly popping up (if they aren’t already there). Amusement parks should fill in for whatever kids miss at the beach and they guarantee a great time too.
But if none of these flatter you, you could opt for the last option and visit a large playground or park. The great thing about this decision is that you can (if you try) visit the area on weekdays as well as on the weekends. And the fun is unlimited as children spend hours playing on the outdoor playground equipment there. And in the rare circumstance that your neighborhood playground or park doesn’t feature impressive play-structures, you can always check out the Creative Recreational Systems Inc. website to view some of the best ones available and get one for yourself.
The choices are endless this fall, and entertaining your children isn’t going to be a hassle anymore.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Playgrounds or Playscapes

Children these days don’t seem to be fettered by the lack of outdoor play they get and this is a cause for concern. Virtual play has taken place of physical and outdoor play and the big pile of homework every child gets these days, doesn’t help a bit either. So in a world where we need to make going out and playing fun again, are normal playgrounds sufficient as an answer or do we need a dose of creativity?

I think adults could do with a change and introduce the idea of playscapes on a more prevalent manner. Now most of you would be wondering what the difference is between a playground and a playscape – but the two are quite the polar opposites in terms of outlook and aesthetics. A playground, in essence, is an area that houses outdoor playground equipment for children to play on. Swing sets, slides and hanging bars make up the entertainment aspect of a playground as children gather to have a good time. Playscapes incorporate nature and the aspects of a traditional playground to create a diverse area of play.

Nowadays, you see playgrounds in almost every neighborhood and almost everyone them features the same repeated themes. You can see the same types of play-structures in each playground that you visit, only colored differently, and that creates a general bland look and feel to the area. This feeling is picked up by children very quickly, and as they demand more from outdoor play, it doesn’t provide to be sufficient enough. Playscapes can help with this problem. By incorporating nature and play, you’re making a diverse environment for children to play in. Using big rocks, logs, plants and trees can help children become accustom to coming into contact with newer things and even species! And including trails, tunnels and other natural hideouts can help children use their imaginations to the full, opening doors to better playing opportunities.

Although we are big fans of playgrounds, but playscapes have won us over, especially when you consider the latter replacing an old and boring play area. So if you want to spice things up in your playground or are looking to build a commercial playscape, you can head on down to the Creative Recreational Systems Inc. website to get hold of some truly fantastic commercial playground equipment. Their site is inundated with the best playground equipment available in markets today, and all of them guarantee your children to have the best playing time of their lives!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Staying Fit at Playgrounds

Playgrounds are conceived as areas where all you do is run around or climb up on some outdoor
playground equipment the entire day but that’s not their only purpose. What many people don’t realize is that playgrounds can be used as an effective substitute for the gym. Surprised? Well, it’s true. Not all playgrounds feature gym equipments in them but most do, and since the trend for general fitness has caught on, you’re more likely to find them in your locality now more than ever. And the benefits of such an environment are endless!
First of all, the obvious advantage would be the fitness boost you’d get here. Most of the equipment in parks and playgrounds are uncomplicated and very simple pieces but are almost just as effective as going to the gym would be. This is especially true if you’re not an existing member of a gym and would like to get your fitness back on track. The fitness equipment at playgrounds help you take the first step and ensure you keep up on your progress on a daily basis.
Another positive of such a setting is the time saving element. If you lead a busy life and have to manage between work and family, it can be very hard to squeeze a few hours to actually drive to your nearest gym and workout. Not to mention the constant risk of injury - this would hamper not only your gym schedule, but work days too.
The last, and perhaps the best advantage of working out outdoors in playgrounds, is that it doesn’t cost a penny! Local playgrounds and parks are normally free to use, even for an extended period of time so you’ll be getting your health on track, without worrying of it affecting your budget. Plus, they’re definitely better than the hundreds of dollars you’d pay on gym membership fees and other costs.
So the next time you head out to the playground with your children, don’t hang around the commercial playground equipment area and spend some time working out in the fitness section too. It’s time we all paid attention to our health and fitness and this is the best and easiest way to do so. And if your neighborhood playground doesn’t feature gym equipment for playgrounds, check out the Creative Recreational Systems Inc. website. Their catalogs are filled with some of the best and sturdiest outdoor gym equipment along with the greatest outdoor playground equipment. So find one that suits you best today!
Till the next time.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Designing Your New Playground? Consider This

To a child, playgrounds are an enchanting region where both, their bodies and their minds, are free to run and explore. They have long served as a gathering place for children and adults alike of a local community and make for a refreshing and small retreat from the everyday routines.
But a lot of planning goes into creating a playground and there are several things to consider before you begin with the construction of your new playground.


When searching for the right playground location, do consider and realize that every child has its own playground requirements. Playgrounds, situated in the middle of a community promise better attendance as more children and families will have access to a nearby and central location. Ideally, you should be able to accommodate children who play actively and children who play quietly. To accomplish this you will need separate play areas and do keep special boundaries and spaces in mind for parking and restrooms. You should also consider how and where you’re going to install the commercial playground equipment.

Efficient Design

Your playground design should allow for efficient movement throughout the park. The different trails, paths, entrances and exits should allow for all visitors to smoothly move into and throughout the park without confusion or overcrowding. An efficient and clean design will allow all visitors to enjoy the playground and its facilities regardless of disabilities or age. Your plan should also include easy access for emergency and maintenance personnel and vehicles. We recommend you hire a professional community architect to help you with the perfect design and layout.


Safety should be high up the list of priorities when designing a playground. Your final design should be constructed with the appropriate amount of space to guarantee that each piece of equipment can be used safely. One of the most effective ways to design a safe playground is to divide the park into different areas or zones. That way, during an emergency procedure, additional and needless problems and hazards can be avoided.

Easy Monitoring

When children are playing, they move around a lot. A good playground should feature clear lines of sight. This will allow parents and guardians to monitor their children at play. Ideally, a caregiver should be able to maintain a visual on their child throughout the activity.
If you’d like to build your own playground and are looking for church playground equipment to install, check out the Creative Systems’ site. Their catalogue is enormous!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Commercial Playground Equipment – Why are they necessary?
In today’s time, the play has become a forgotten fad of sorts. Children, no matter what their ages, are more inclined to be glued to iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations to an extent that you tend to forget what ever happened to the good old days. We would see children hanging out at playgrounds with their friends (some even quite literally on monkey bars) and having a fun time playing out in the open. Now, though, you see herds of children, exchanging video games and going over to each other’s houses to play for hours on end.
I have nothing against video games and feel they do bring an element of learning and cognitive development in children, but I am against the constant use and playing with them. Physical play shouldn’t be ignored. I remember the times when my friends and I would be on outdoor playground equipment all day and it was fun – more fun than what I imagine children today have. And I think that’s exactly what we need again.
These days, finding suitable playgrounds is tough and one that appeals to your children even harder. As a result, we decided on getting together with the locals in our community and raising enough money to buy commercial playground equipment for our local playground. Once barren, it is now sprouting with children on a daily basis, and with the summer vacations in full swing, we’re seeing other children from different blocks coming too.
Playground Equipment, and one that’s actually fun and of decent quality, goes a long way in providing hours of fun for children. No matter what their ages, every generation seems to have a great time with the ones we have installed. We even see some adults have a go at the swings too from time to time and it’s just a brilliant experience altogether.

So is your local park/playground boring and not attractive to kids? Or are your kids constantly in front of television and tablet PC screens? Then you need to encourage them to get out more. And while you encourage, make sure they have the right resources to actually enjoy themselves while outside. And if your playground lacks the resources and equipment and you’re looking to renovate existing playground equipment or buy new ones for your locality or house, visit the Creative Systems’ website and browse through their extensive catalogue.
Till the next time, happy playing!